Winter Sport

Cross-country ski tracks, guided hikes through the snow and snow shoe rental; enjoy your winter in Weißenstadt!

Langlaufloipe bei blauem Himmel in Weißenstadt

Cau­tion: Please check ski track and snow con­di­tions here

Guided hikes through snow and snow shoes rental

Rent snow shoes or book a guided tour from Fichtelrad. Depend­ing on the weath­er and your mood the tours can last between one and three hours. The snow shoes are avail­able in all con­ven­tion­al sizes.

Please con­tact us in time:

Fichtelrad — Rup­perts­grün — 95163 Weißen­stadt
E‑Mail Adress: info@​fichtelrad.​de — Mobile Num­ber: 0174 5750000


Cross-coun­try Ski trails on Waldstein

The Großer Wald­stein is pop­u­lar among hikers and cross-coun­try ski­ers, espe­cially because of the stun­ning rocky back­drop it offers for many activ­it­ies. People of all ages can enjoy these activ­it­ies while soak­ing up the amaz­ing view.

The Wald­steinge­birge acts as a nat­ur­al bor­der between the north­west­ern part of the hoof-shaped Fichtel­ge­birge, the Münch­ber­ger gneiss slabs and the cent­ral parts of Fichtel­ge­birge. Among its myth­ic­al peaks, Alex­an­der von Hum­boldt dis­covered mag­net­ic ser­pent­ine rock. The cross-coun­try ski trails increase in dif­fi­culty where they meet the vertexes.

Wald­stein­loipe (Weißenstadt/Torfmoorhöhle)

Style: clas­sic tech­nique
dif­fi­culty: 9.2 km / 5.7 miles , 209 meters of alti­tude change
dir­ec­tion of move­ment: counter-clockwise

Loipe Zell

Style: clas­sic and skat­ing tech­nique
Dif­fi­culty: 5.7 km / 3.5 miles, 77 meters of alti­tude change
Dir­ec­tion of move­ment: counter-clockwise

Höhen­loipe (Wald­stein)

Style: clas­sic tech­nique
dif­fi­culty: 4.3 km / 2.7 miles, 112 meters of alti­tude change
Dir­ec­tion of move­ment: counter-clockwise

Ber­gkop­frunde (Waldstein/Hinteres Buchhaus)

Style: clas­sic and skat­ing tech­nique
Dif­fi­culty: 13.7 km / 8.5 miles, 190 meters of alti­tude change
Dir­ec­tion of move­ment: counter-clockwise

Epprecht­stein­runde (Buch­haus, Kirchenlamitz)

Style: clas­sic and skat­ing tech­nique
Dif­fi­culty: 2.8 km / 1.7 miles, 50 meters of alti­tude change
Dir­ec­tion of move­ment: counter-clockwise

Con­nect­ing cross-coun­try ski trails

Wald­stein 0.5 km / 0.3 miles

Con­nects Höhen­loipe (Wald­steinge­biet) and Ber­gkop­frunde (Epprecht­steinge­biet), classic

Dachslöch­er (Wald­stein) 1.1km / 0.7 miles

Con­nects Wald­stein­loipe and Höhen­loipe, classic

Arn­stein­felsen (Wald­stein) 0.9 km / 0.55 miles

Con­nects Wald­stein­loipe and Höhen­loipe, classic

Pan­or­amablick (Epprecht­steinge­biet) 0.2 km / 0.1 miles

Short­cut Ber­gkop­frunde, leav­ing out the park­ing lot Wald­stein ( about 3 km / 1.9 miles shorter)

Forstwiesen (Epprecht­steinge­biet) 0,7 km / 0.4 miles

Con­nects Ber­gkop­frunde and Epprecht­stein­runde from Buch­haus (uphill)

Sat­tel­weg (Epprecht­steinge­biet) 0.6 km / 0.4 miles

Con­nects Ber­gkop­frunde and Epprecht­stein­runde (down­hill)

Click here for the most recent snow report

You can find the most recent report on Großer Wald­stein and Epprecht­stein below the fol­low­ing table!