Health Resort WeissenstadtSternSternSternStern

The Weißen­stadt by the Lake Health Resort opened in August of 2007. The Resort Hotel is highly regarded for its 4* atmo­sphere, excel­lent food, the amaz­ing view and its expans­ive bathing and well­ness area. Wheth­er you prefer to try out the sauna, enjoy the thermal bath or relax dur­ing a mas­sage — you can do all of these things at the hotel. In the winter as well as the sum­mer, a pleth­ora of recre­ation­al activ­it­ies is being offered in and around the resort. The beau­ti­ful lake and Fichtel­ge­birge are per­fect des­tin­a­tions for hik­ing, rid­ing a bike or nor­d­ic walk­ing. Per­haps you would prefer a stroll into town? The area is as diverse as it is lovely. Go on an excur­sion offered by the resort, then relax back at the hotel. Enjoy a sooth­ing radon-ther­apy ses­sion or a relax­ing fango pack or some­thing else entirely. You have more than 100 treat­ments to choose from, all of which aim to improve your health.


The heal­ing radon gas is bene­fi­cial not only to the whole city of Weißen­stadt. Espe­cially the Weißen­stadt Health Resort, which opened in 2007, bene­fits from the gas. The Health Resort util­izes all forms of treat­ment that radon has to offer. In a ded­ic­ated area, radon is used in baths, an inhal­a­tion room and a pool. Addi­tion­ally, the Resort con­tains a foun­tain you can use for radon drink­ing cures. Radons heal­ing prop­er­ties can improve prob­lems with your skin, res­pir­at­ory tract, your spine and joints and even rheum­at­ic issues. The remedi­al effects are very long-last­ing as they can remain for sev­er­al months.

The resort offers more than 100 dif­fer­ent treat­ments, be it a tra­di­tion­al mas­sage, a sooth­ing bath, a fango pack, lymph drain­age or physio­ther­apy. Our High­lights are car­bon diox­ide ther­apy and full-body cryotherapy.

The car­bon diox­ide ther­apy widens the arter­i­al blood ves­sels and boosts blood cir­cu­la­tion by treat­ing the skin with CO2 gas.

Spend­ing up to 3 minutes in a cryo­cham­ber with a tem­per­at­ure of ‑166 degrees Fahrenheit/ ‑110 degrees Celsi­us can dimin­ish pain drastic­ally, reduce inflam­ma­tion, improve joint- and muscle-func­tion and improve well-being in general.

Find more inform­a­tion here: www​.kur​zen​trum​-weis​sen​stadt​.de


Radon is a nat­ur­ally occur­ring, radio act­ive noble gas, which has always exis­ted in soil, rock, water and air. It is, how­ever, hard to find the amounts needed for radon ther­apy. The gran­ite cor­ridors of Weis­sen­stadt have been tested and proved to be excep­tion­ally rich in radon. In 1900, Friedrich Ernst Dorn was the first to dis­cov­er radon. The term radon was first estab­lished in 1923. Accord­ing to medi­cin­al radon bal­neology, the noble gas stim­u­lates the immune sys­tem and heals ail­ments. The radon can be absorbed either through the skin dur­ing baths or through inhal­a­tion. For over 100 years, radon has been sci­en­tific­ally stud­ied and is now mainly used in three ways. In radon baths, radon is absorbed through the skin. Radon can also be inhaled or even used for drink­ing cures, where the radon is absorbed through the gastrointest­in­al tract.



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