
The churches of Weißenstadt are not only impressive monuments of the past but also active centers of faith.

Stadtkirche Weißenstadt

Evan­gel­ic City Church

The pre­dom­in­ant denom­in­a­tion in Weißen­stadt is evan­gel­ism.
The evan­gel­ic church St. Jako­bus is an import­ant land­mark of Weißen­stadt. Although the church suffered greatly dur­ing the fire in 1823, the priest man­aged to save the archive of the church. Today these records are of great value to his­tor­i­ans.
The second evan­gel­ic church is the grave­yard church, which was built before the year of 1581. 
In 1707 and 1708 the church was ren­ov­ated and expan­ded towards the west.
The old tomb­stones are import­ant his­tor­ic­al arte­facts and have been attached to the church for pre­ser­va­tion. The chapels St. Erhard and St. Wolfgang have been men­tioned in his­tor­ic­al records, but they no longer exist. Priests Lisa Keck and Dirk Grießbach are respons­ible for the evan­gel­ic church com­munity today.

Divine Ser­vice

City church St. Jako­bus: Sundays at 9:30 am
Grave­yard church: Sundays at 8:00 am (Pente­cost — Sunday before the har­vest festival)


Tues­day even­ings at 4pm, ca. 30 min duration


Cath­ol­ic Church

The first cath­ol­ics came to Weißen­stadt due to the con­struc­tion of the rail­way at the turn of the cen­tury.
Thus, the first pray­er room was set up in mas­ter build­er Per­uzzis home on the corner of Gartenstraße/Badstraße.
 At that time ser­vices were held every two to three weeks by the cler­gy­man of Marktleuthen. The first cath­ol­ic church in Weißen­stadt was inaug­ur­ated near Goeth­es­traße in 1936. The church music flour­ished when Ant­on Böhme fled to Weißen­stadt after the war. 
The new par­son­age was inaug­ur­ated in 1964. An organ was finally added to Mari­en­kirche in 1970.


Fly­er Cath­ol­ic Church Weißenstadt