His­tor­ic Rows of Barns

The Historic Rows of Barns in Weißenstadt are unique in urban planning.

Scheunenreihen Weißenstadt

The barns were relo­cated to the out­skirts of town in order to pre­vent future fires from break­ing out. The barns are still a defin­ing fea­ture of Weißenstadt.

The ridge line and eaves span­ning across sev­er­al barns make the oth­er­wise rather plain build­ings appear much more massive and impress­ive.
Dark slate roofs, some dry masonry wall and arch­ways with dec­or­at­ive gran­ite frames are mem­or­able fea­tures of the out­er parts of the his­tor­ic cen­ter of town.

The major­ity of barns is lis­ted nowadays. In order to pre­serve the his­tor­ic barns, poten­tial new ways of util­iz­ing them are being considered.