
Weißenstadt offers everything you need to stay healthy; tranquility, an exceptional climate and a beautiful, one-of-a-kind landscape. Since June of 1975, Weißenstadt is an acknowledged health resort.

Gesundheit genießen

Emper­or Max­imili­an the first once called Weißen­stadt the most cur­at­ive place in all of Germany!

Radon, which can be used to treat a pleth­ora of ail­ments, nat­ur­ally occurs in the Weißen­stadt area. In Weißen­stadts resort, radon is being util­ized in a unique radon-ther­apy pool, for baths, drink­ing cures and inhalations.

The medi­cin­al prop­er­ties of radon have been used for more than a hun­dred years now. In Weißen­stadt this tra­di­tion was not only passed on, but expan­ded over the years.

The thermal water is extrac­ted from 1,835 m below the sur­face at a tem­per­at­ure of 53 degrees celsi­us / 127,4 degrees Fahren­heit. It arrives at the well­head at 32 degrees celsi­us / 89,6 degrees Fahren­heit. This thermal water drilling is the deep­est drilling in Ger­many to com­pletely rely on gran­ite for mater­i­al in the shaft. With 9 mg/l it is the water con­tain­ing the most flu­or­ide Ger­many-wide. The min­er­al­isa­tion is extraordin­ary, con­sid­er­ing the geo­lo­gic­al dom­in­ance of gran­ite in this region.

What Weißen­stadt offers for your health is excep­tion­al; bathing, well­ness, mas­sages, nor­d­ic walk­ing, going for a walk, rid­ing a bike — but most import­antly
Pure hap­pi­ness.

Wasserwelt Siebenquell
Sieben­quell® GesundZeitResort
Kurzentrum Weissenstadt am See_Außenaufnahme
Health Resort Weissenstadt